How to be more ‘strategic’ (as a creative)

Stephanie Irwin
3 min readAug 20, 2023


Food for thought…

To advance in your creative career, so I’ve been told, you need understand “business strategy.” In doing so, you will sell your ideas with less effort and make stuff that works for not only users, but also the business that pays your salary.

However, I believe strategy is so much more than that. As a word, it is often misused, but in practice, it is the thing that allows us to measure our success and avoid overwhelm.

So, you ask, what is strategy really?

Plan = “a set of activities a company or a person says they will do”

Strategy = “a set of choices that positions you in a way that you win” “there’s a theory”

A lot of the time, both companies and individuals operate on the treadmill of the day-to-day, doing the same stuff again and again (it not working), then wondering why.

You may feel incredibly busy, yet months pass by and that dream or goal you have still hasn’t happened.

So, you ask, how can we stop planning too many activities for our day, and how can we start strategizing about what is most important, and what will help us “win”?

Both in work and in my life I am by no means perfect, but these tactics have helped me move the needle massively on my goals.

Having a goal document so you know what “winning” means: I use this vision board strategy in Figma where I look at my life in regards to career, health, relationships, travel, home etc. I write it down, have images, and keep it digital so I can adjust it as circumstances in my life change. I check in at the beginning of the year, mid-year and whenever I feel it needs to be reevaluated. As time passes, I also add more goals for the coming years.

Cross-check this “winning” document with your planned schedule: I have a schedule in Trello where I map out my daily to-do’s and schedule — whether its a workout class, evening dinner, or something I need to buy. I also plan my workouts this way. While I plan my week, I go back to my goal document to make sure that what I am doing aligns with what I have written down.

My trello calendar… it’s basic but sliding the cards around has saved me so much time & anxiety

Have advisors who have already “won”: I discuss this a lot on my newsletter, but I have trusted people in all areas (career, fitness, repairing appliances etc) who I consult when I’m feeling lost or when progress is feeling stagnant. Generally, I have 1–2 very trusted people in each area to reduce overwhelm and too many conflicting opinions. I know these people won’t lie to me, but I also know they care about me a lot.

Think critically: If something is not working for you, it’s important to not just blindly follow what other people tell you. Is that workout routine actually hurting you longer term? Does your company really care about your progression? Everyone fundamentally is operating from their own strategic position, and will prioritize their interest over you no matter how nice you think they are.

This week…

Think about what ‘success’ means to you? Are you living on autopilot with your career or with your health? Is the ‘plan’ of your day-to-day leading you where you want to go? What do you need to prioritize, and what do you need to let go of?

Let’s continue the conversation over on LinkedIn.👋



Stephanie Irwin
Stephanie Irwin

Written by Stephanie Irwin

Product Designer. Wellness & systems thinking nerd. I write about applying design thinking to life. Newsletter, podcast + more:

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